The Evening Cancer yesterday reported Redland estate agents’ claims that house prices in the catchment area of Redland Green School have risen by up to 15%.
This means a house in the catchment area once costing £500,000 would now cost £575,000. That’s an extra £75,000 cost if you want to educate your kids at Redland Green.
Alternatively you could send your child as a day pupil to the exclusive Clifton College at cost of £5,000 a term or £15,000 a year. The total cost over the five years of your child’s secondary education? £75,000!
Is Redland Green the most exclusive state school in the UK? I think we should be told.
The difference is that when you come to sell your Redand house in five years time it will be worth potentially £734,000, even if it rises in value by a modest 5% per annum.
So, Redland Green still represents the financially smart move.