by Steven Norman November 28, 2009 at 5:26 pm
I believe that Bristol City Council should issue court proceedings for recovery of this outstanding money. At this moment in time it is public money that has been paid to one of their buddies in the private sector to appease them – Mimosa Healthcare, whose slogan is ‘Where People Matter’.
Mimosa Healthcare, ‘Where People Matter’, had a contract to provide both my father and late mother with a high standard of care. Under the terms and conditions of this agreement they have failed to do so.
They decided – for reasons that they have never disclosed – to pack my father off to hospital in the back of an ambulance on his own at midnight in excruciating pain and scared and frightened with no family member present.
The family had no knowledge that he was even ill, yet he had been in severe pain since 7.00 pm that evening. Someone then decided it might be a good idea to inform my father’s next of kin.
But instead of ringing my sister’s landline they decided it would be better to leave a message on her mobile phone voicemail. It was only by chance that my sister heard her mobile phone beeping as she was in bed asleep.
These are the facts of how we became aware that our 84 year old father had been rushed to the BRI. We thank god that he didn’t pass away in that ambulance and that he has now made a full recovery. When we arrived at the BRI at 01.00 am we found our father in a severely distressed state and crying with pain.
First thing Monday morning I made a complaint to Social Service’s regarding the treatment my father had received from their provider with the slogan ‘Where People Matter’.
That complaint has never been addressed and neither have we been notified of the findings of any investigations. What we do know is that Bristol City Council settled all outstanding bills with their buddies – Mimosa Healthcare and let’s not forget the slogan ‘Where People Matter’ – and then ask us to pay for the privilege of the above fiasco.
Secondly, at February’s cabinet meeting, I asked written questions of the council leader regarding Mimosa Healthcare, ‘Where People Matter’.
The council leader in her written reply confirmed that Social Services had stopped placing the elderly in to another nursing home run by Mimosa Healthcare.
This was the home that the council leader, along with Councillor Knott, was photographed outside for the Evening Post while they claimed that the people inside ’seemed contented’ or words to that effect.
Mimosa Healthcare are not fit to provide nursing care in this city and maybe they should look at revising their slogan to ‘PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT BEFORE CARE’.
The plain and simple truth is that Bristol City Council embraces this provider because it has in the region of 600+ nursing beds in this city and it’s a case of the tail wagging the dog.
Thirdly, as stated, I believe it right that Bristol City Council should pursue this outstanding bill through the courts and I welcome the opportunity to defend my sister in this action as I firmly believe that there is just cause within English Law to defend such an action and I know that I have evidence to support such a defence.
So I would ask all the good citizens and council taxpayers of Bristol to email Stephen McNamara ( and insist that he attempts the recovery of this public money.
I have one simple statement to Mr McNamara and Social Services:
DON’T DELAY SERVE YOUR PAPERS TODAY or kindly refrain from sending threatening and malicious letters to my family.