Ranting, politics, dissent and no lifestyle journalism about Bristol and beyond. Welcome to The Bristol Blogger.
Many thanks to Archidave for the excellent photo I nicked off his Flickr account for the header. You can view his photos here.
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The Bristol Blogger can be contacted at bristol_citizens AT yahoo.co.uk
Hah, fair play mate, i was reading your blog, it makes me laugh just ripping the piss out of the spinless middle class liberals to be frank, cheers for the great blog and laughs, Squee.
This is a good blog dude, keep it up, maybe we need to educate the people of bristol.
Bristol Antifa Under Devolopment
Hi there Bristol Blogger,
Excellent blog – you seem to know what is going on in Bristol politics far more than anyone else.
Can I cheakily promote a campaign:
We are trying to force Royal mail to open the Delivery Office in the evenings so people can pick up their missed packages. Sorry I know it is not that interesting but it is so damn annoying when you have to wait for days to get an urgent package.
All the best,
I suggest you encourage all us enjoyers of your wheeze to vote for you here:
Another chance for stardom and awards perhaps?
Here U ! thats my piccie you got there at the head of yor blog! 😉
Tory MP hotlinks to a picture direct from his blog.
Blogger sneakily switches image; how long before tory blogger notices:
tory blog:
Fancy having a pop at the lovely new proposed residents’ parking scheme?
I really like your blog.
Who are you?
I’ve just been put onto this site (and excellent it is – I’m sorry not to have known of it earlier) and I had tp comment on “Tough at the Top” (Nov 8 2007). I couldn’t help thinking how surprisingly little Mr Norton knows of his own organ, especially his claim that “All the letters are from “actual real people”.”
I myself have had numerous letters published in his organ, all under fictitious names and addresses. Admittedly prior to Mr Norton’s tenure, the best one was praising the music in the lifts of Wilkinson’s store in Kingswood which, if I recall correctly, was from a “Chas Chandler” (who I am sure most readers will recognise as bass player with “The Animals” and who passed away in 1996) resident of a non-existant street in Totterdown. This is not to mentiuon that Wlikinson’s in Kingswood is/was a single story buildiung with no customer elevators.
The fact that I (and others) have had so many spoof letters published also brings into question the number of leters Mr Norton claims to receive each week – I believe thsat they are so short of copy they’ll publoish anything without first checking it out.
I was most interested in your comments since I’ve also made use of Mr Norton’s organ to vent my opinions.
However, I have noticed recently that when I submit stuff under my own name, it no longer gets published whilst material of a similar tone under a nom de plume gets in without any trouble. Curious innit?
Yes, this is interesting. I used to be a fairly regular correspondent to the Post letters page but have stopped bothering as they no longer get published. It seems to date back to a letter I wrote criticizing Ian Onions disregard for the Green Party’s chances in the 2006 local elections (when we won Southville.) The letter was edited so that it made no sense, but when I complained it was reprinted in full. I thought I was being paranoid in supposing I had been placed on a blacklist, but perhaps they are out to get me/us.
Sounds to me as though you, like me, have been blackballed by Mr Norton. I believe I provoked him by openly critcising someone whi, it turns out, is one of his mates and now I can no longer post any comments on his website from either of the IP address I use.
So much for representing the views of Bristol. The BEP only represents the views Mr Norton thinks are OK.
Still, that doesn’t stop me from writing in, though. I may start a spate of letters from drummers of 70’s glam rock bands!
Most excellent site Mr.Blogger.Keep up these good works.
Patchway Northfield. – No, Let’s Call It Charlton Hayes.
Open letter to South Gloucestershire Council.
So, South Gloucestershire Council do not like my emails. Perhaps if this gets printed, then Phil Warry, the person involved may answer the questions outlined below, now that they have approved plans for another massive housing estate, bringing in more than 6,000 new residents. While Bovis say they have taken on board the lessons of the past and David Farley, managing director, states that this will regenerate Patchway. (Bet neither of them live in the area). Plus the architecture is to draw upon Regency/Edwardian Period, as Kingsdown in Bristol. – Should fit in well with the modern buildings at Rolls-Royce:-
* The Local Plan sets out plans to develop 2,200 new houses in 2007 on part of the Filton Airfield. This will generate a need for 4 additional GPs together with the expected GP retirements in the area. There are no existing practices with the ability to provide services to this population. In Patchway, Dr: Rahman’s practice in Bradley Road has just closed and therefore 50% of the patients have been taken on by the Coniston Road practice, leaving the other 50% to go elsewhere. – Little Stoke or Bradley Stoke.
* Patchway Liberal Democrats stand fully behind local residents who insist that none of the new houses should be built on the new development until the new road has been built. This is due to the fact that Patchway is already gridlocked by traffic. – To the North, Aztec West/Bradley Stoke. To the South, Airbus and the MOD. To the East, Rolls-Royce. To the West, the M5 Motorway. At a meeting of residents in 2006, I actually got an answer to my question of when the new road would be built. The South Gloucestershire Council Planning Officer said that it would be the last thing to be built. – This new road would run the course of the old Hays Lane, taking traffic from the A38 Gloucester Road straight to The Mall Shopping Centre and away from Patchway. On many occasions, my wife has left her car in a side road in Patchway and walked home. – One time it took her 3/4 of an hour to get from Patchway Roundabout to our house in Hawthorn Close, a journey that usually takes 10 minutes. My son, who had his own Taxi business, in the end gave up. Because he could not get out of Patchway to his customers and would sit on the end of a telephone ringing other cab drivers to take his fares. Other local residents have had to queue often for over an hour to get out of, or in to Patchway at one time or another. In the North Field Patchway Supplementary Environmental Information 08/2007. Planning Application PT03/3143/0, it states regarding the Link Road. – The original alignment chosen for the road in 2003 was to link onto Highwood Road at the Standing Stone junction. It was designed to ensure that the connection could be accomplished without third party land requirements. However, South Gloucestershire Council’s preferred option was to connect to the San Andreas roundabout to provide a more direct route and facilitate better separation of buses from other traffic. This option was supported by the Inspector and the master plan revisions therefore include the link to the San Andreas roundabout. If the third party land is not made available by the time it is needed, both parties accept it will be appropriate to revert to the alternative option of linking to the Standing Stone roundabout. The Planning Application also states that The Link Road is to be part of Phase 1 and that the proposed development will not significantly affect the setting of the Listed Buildings. Due to the location of the Listed Buildings, with a vast open area to the south and a partially wooded area to the north, the key views of the buildings are from the south. None of these will be obstructed or directly affected by the proposals. There are no buildings proposed within approximately 80m of the Listed Buildings and significant views will not be obstructed. As a result, no significant effects are predicted. The new southern site link road between the A38 and Highwood Road will bound the open southern boundary against the operational airfield to link onto Highwood Road at the San Andreas roundabout. This is a 40mph (65kph) lit road introducing one new roundabout adjacent to Filton Wood, together with a more complex junction onto the A38.
Where is the funding coming from for this Link Road and will it be implemented in Phase 1? As many roads when Yate & Bradley Stoke were build went in almost at the end. South Gloucestershire Council replied:- ‘Section 106 planning agreement, will cover matters such as the Link Road’. The new link road is now to run near the ‘former’ Kwik-Fit garage to the San Andreas roundabout and will commence approximately 12 months after a site start in the first half of 2008..
* ‘It will be a good number of years before a new community centre is built on the Northfield development site’. This is a statement from Patchway Town Council, who also want to take away the Library and Youth Club from Patchway and build them at the new area.
* To use the Public Transport is not the answer. In January, it took me 2 hours to get to an interview. Using the local bus which runs every 12 minutes. In October, 3 #75 buses went passed me at Filton, all displaying ‘Not In Service’ Notices, even though the second bus had passengers onboard and its lights turned off.
* The A38 road bridge can not take the volume of traffic now, as it is down to single lanes both ways, because it does not comply to EU regulations. While the Gypsy Patch Lane railway bridge has been a bone of contention for years, as it needs repairs and neither the Railways or the Council can come to an agreement over who should foot the bill. It is understood that work on the A38 road bridge was scheduled to take place before Christmas 2007 prior to any developments to the airfield. – Well, scaffolding was erected underneath the bridge. Work is now expected to commence in February 2008. The bridge will remain open northbound. But, will be closed southbound for 26 weeks. So, if we want to get back in to Patchway, it will be via the M5. – Clever planning.
* Many Listed Buildings stand on Filton Airfield, of which the Northfield is part and throughout its existence, RAF Filton shared the airfield with the Bristol & Colonial Aeroplane Company whose works are now owned by BAe Systems/Airbus. Being home to many squadrons since 1916 until the 1950’s and early ’60’s, where Filton was designated as a V-bomber dispersal base. During the Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962) Avro Vulcan V-bombers were at Filton and kept at ‘immediate readiness’ status with engines idling. Over the years more permanent structures were erected, including Barnwell Hall and air raid shelters during the Second World War. Nowadays, many of the RAF buildings, including Barnwell Hall, have been demolished. – By BAe Systems & Rolls-Royce. Also the Belfast Truss hangers – built by German POW’s during the Great War – were wantonly demolished a few years ago on the edge of Filton Airfield to make way for the new Royal Mail sorting depot. Hanger 1 & 2 are Grade II listed and could easily go the same way. Are Listed Buildings only listed if you are not prepared to pay the feeble fine for demolishing it, or will our heritage disappear in the name of progress?
* Artificial badger setts have been constructed in Filton Wood and are being used by the resident badger social group. Also, slow worms were collected and moved from the site last year. But, what of the other wildlife there, i.e. foxes, rabbits, various birds, etc: Is this abundance of wildlife and plant life to be lost as well?
We can see what will happen if this decision goes ahead, local residents will be very angry if the gridlock gets worse when the new development begins. To use the words of Doctor Dennis Fox, when talking about the new town that became Bradley Stoke. ‘We have learnt from the mistakes in Yate and so Bradley Stoke will have a road structure first’. Well it did not. The houses were built and then the roads were put in. After this, shops were built in three areas, splitting the new community. Please do not let this happen again. We are not against progress and recognise the fact that people have to live somewhere. We only ask that when you consider this decision, that the local residents are thought of and that a new road is in place before building starts. Also, have the characteristics of the site in question (i.e. land form, vegetation, ecology, archaeology, listed buildings and public rights of way etc:) been properly considered and taken into account in the design of the scheme?
Stewart Guy.
They won’t listen. They’re South Glos Council – almost as useless, vapid and arrogant as their mates in Bristol City Council.
Demonstrate daily outside their offices in Thornbury. Hassle local councillors on their way in and out of work.
Make their lives as uncomfortable as you can.
They’re planning to do the same to you.
The Shape Of Things To Come.
Parish councillor Martin Richardson – enquiries@charltonhayes.info – has set up this ‘helpful’ website – http://www.charltonhayes.info/ – to provide Patchway Callicroft Ward residents – Why? It affects all the residents in Patchway, not just a handful and the banner states ‘Charlton Hayes. – Informing and promoting participation for the people of Patchway‘. – with up to date information on the proposed 2,200 dwelling Northfield housing development now named Charlton Hayes. Covering planning, related topics such as transport, traffic, the new Town Centre and any other issues of local concern. On the Current Issues Page, under the heading ’Northfield Development – current position‘, dated 21. April 2007. Readers are advised to ’skim over councils objections 1 – 12, then see conclusion‘. – Why? They are all relevant. Plus, the website is running a Poll. – ‘Callicroft Ward Opinion Poll, Patchway Railway Bridge southbound closure’. So, Martin. Is it only residents in the Callicroft Ward who drive cars? If so, why are the roads around Patchway so congested.
Bovis Homes Limited have a consultation website -http://www.bhlconsultation.com/Welcome.asp?Sitecode=Filton – There has been no updates regarding the Northfield site at Filton Airfield, South Gloucestershire since September 2007. Yet we know that the Northfield Relief Road outline planning permission was granted in November 2007. With housing and road construction to commence shortly. The new link road will be complete and ready for use within 2 & 1/2 years from the outline permission. – Patchway Town Council wanted priority given to the construction of the new spine road. – What happened there? Perhaps the Clerk to the Council, Lucy Hamid, would like to answer that one – clerk@patchwaytcouncil.demon.co.uk – The developers phasing strategy envisages 450 houses completed by 2010 – 11. While the Patchway Railway Bridge scaffolding will be completed by the end of January, with work starting in mid to late February. You can submit your comments directly to Bovis online.
Not forgetting South Gloucestershire Council, who have turned down residents requests for a zebra crossing on Coniston Road, opposite the BMX track. So, they certainly do not care about the children of the area, who use the route to get to and from school daily. – I am still waiting for my reply Phil Warry. – Phil.WARRY@gosw.gsi.gov.uk – All correspondence should have the subject header, Northfield. Patchway. South Gloucestershire. Planning Application PT03/3143/0. Also, The Council Plan 2008 – 2011 Draft states that they will, ‘Deliver a Park & Ride facility at Parkway’, more strain on the local roads. Along with improvements to local bus services and for proposals to be well advanced for Rapid Transit Schemes. – You what?
Stewart Guy.
Can I ask that you take a moment and remind yourself who the enemy is. Suggesting that people who work for the council are unable to “do anything resembling what is generally understood as productive work” reveals a level of naivety and elitism that you apparently hate so much in the people that “run” Bristol.
The people who “work” for the council do just that – work. Employees on the standard pay grades (librarians, administrators, home care assistants and so on) work damn hard, often under incompetent middle-upper management.
So please, concentrate your energy where it belongs and don’t launch attacks on the people who are just doing their everyday jobs, but just happen to be doing them for BCC.
I don’t expect an apology from you as I wouldn’t want to damage your “I don’t give a toss who I piss-off” image. I just hope you think a little more about what you’re writing before you publish it. I’m sure many of the people who read your site work for the council and you are doing yourself no favours.
Has the hacks at the evening pist ever seen Cris Morris /brass eye.
Hats of to the headline ‘The secret paedo files!’ in tonights edition.Is it wrong that, as a homemaker and mother, that this should amuse me so much that I actual bought the evening pist today?.
Fair point from friendly reminder two comments up.
And here’s something for you if you haven’t seen it already to welcome the new chief executive:
“…What does Our City look like?
The BBC is collecting pictures of Bristol that capture the soul of the city.
Why? Because Bristol is getting a new Chief Executive, and she’s new to the city. Jan Ormondroyd will be given the “official guided tour”, but we want to show her what Bristolians think of their city.
What are you proud of? What are you ashamed of?
What inspires you? Infuriates you?
What needs shouting about? What needs sorting?
Take a picture that says: “If she hasn’t seen this, she hasn’t seen Bristol”.
We’ll give Jan Ormondroyd the whole album of Bristol by Bristolians.
And we’ll take her on a guided tour of the most challenging views of the city
she would never normally be shown.
Interested? Taking Part is Easy
1. Take a picture.
2. Tell us, in a few words, what it says about Bristol
3. Send us the picture. Email or envelope, we don’t mind.
Email to : mybristol@bbc.co.uk
Post to : Owen Smith, Newsroom, BBC Broadcasting House, Bristol BS8 2LR
4. We’ll put them all on a website and show the Chief Executive the lot….”
Bi-Polarity means democratic centralism is impossible for me.
Pingback: Anyone for mental health issues? Part 2 « The Bristol Blogger
Please, please, please can you start a new post for the following urgent matter. Why?… because this is a classic example of illegal development and destruction of woodland.
Save Grove Wood – Act Now!
A large workmen’s hut was erected on 30th May 2008 in Grove Wood. We understand from Bristol City Council that the erection of buildings in Grove Wood contravenes this Conservation Area and that the landowner is fully aware of this restriction.
We are concerned that this could be the prelude to further infringements of this protected area – the loss of more trees and the destruction of wildlife habitat. We have posted up a notice on site to inform anyone that may be about to undertake any work that their actions will be recorded and we will provide witness statements to achieve a prosecution.
We are urging all local people to keep a close eye on Grove Wood and ensure that any activities are recorded. Anything you see could be usefully posted to the blog to build up a record of activities.
To object to the planning proposal to fell the trees, visit the council website:
Indymedia, “Defend Snuff Mills” – read more:
The area of Snuff Mills starting from the Mill up to the first bridge is currently under attack from aggressive ‘woodland management’.
One of the worst examples of dereliction in central Bristol is on land bounded by Unity Street, Hawkins Street and Jacob Street, Old Market, behind the Evening Post headquarters.
The buildings have been left to fall into disrepair over 30 years. Foliage grows through walls and roofs and a facade is propped up with scaffolding.You’d have thought that the Evening Post would have started a campaign to clean it up, wouldn’t you? I wonder why not?
Just found this site and think it’s fascinating.
Your bloggers have some great things to say about Bristol and working in the city I find I agree with a lot of your thoughts.
But your criticism of the local paper – which I don’t take – has me somewhat perplexed, is it really as bad as you say?
Or perhaps they are doing something right if they are getting so many of you talking about it.
As Oscar Wilde so famously said “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. ”
I’ll leave that with you.
Bristol Blogger has nothing to say on the current “Prosperous Places / Sub National Review” that’s going to put SWRDA in top charge of the planning system? Surprising.
Or perhaps they are doing something right if they are getting so many of you talking about it.
Last time I checked, it’s doing something pretty wrong that gets people talking.
Blogger – sounds like that Mark Lynas is having a go at you and others who share your view when he says,
‘Environmentalists are constantly accused of being middle-class lifestyle faddists, who don’t understand the day-to-day financial pressures faced by “ordinary” working people. But the number of people who thought that environment should be the government’s priority rather than the economy was substantially higher (56%) among the lower income, less well-educated DE demographic than among the better-off ABs (47%). Lower-income social groups also have a much lighter environmental footprint overall: only 42% of DEs took a foreign holiday over the last three years, whilst 77% of ABs did. Better-off people also own more cars, as you might expect – only 5% of DEs have three or more cars, whilst 15% of ABs do.
So perhaps anti-environmental class warriors like the editors of Spiked need to find a new cause to champion. The working-class people who they claim “can’t afford to be concerned about climate change” actually care more about the future of the planet than the rich – and are doing a lot less damage to boot. So next time you hear someone defending motorway expansion or cheap flights on behalf of the British poor, ask yourself the question: whose side are they really on?’
As a very active environmentalist who was born, brought up and educated in Knowle West and who still lives in Knowle I think Mark Lynas has a strong point. The figures in the poll back him up.
Good work there. I’ve added you to my blogroll. Any chance you could do the same for my Bristol-centric site?
Thank you! Stay in touch.
vodafone announce profits and massive price rises…
another example of a company joining the price-increase band-wagon?…
Anyone else think this description of Bristol, whilst pretty negative, is remarkably accurate?
Negative? Negative? That’s not negative, that’s just honest!!!
Did you know a number of Radio Bristol journalists or rather “journalists” were treated to a free meal at a enw restaurant in the city centre on Thursday night courtesy of the new Cabot City Centre developers?
Oh well – at least they’ll be totally objective when it comes to negative stories about the venture then.
great site – I love it – give us more more more on those corrupt buffoons at the city council especially please!
Pingback: Licensed, no bill « The Bristol Blogger
fab blog and great links, new to this blogging stuff, how/ can I subscribe to yours..?
This is superb, best Bristol blog I’ve come across so far. Finally the age-old truth about the croneyism of the Corporation – sorry Council – gets the satirical bashing it needs!
Can I shamelessly point your readers in the direction of my blog, that accompanies my new book documenting the history of vandalism and the visual art of dissent on the streets of Bristol? The Council and Police come in for nearly as much of a bashing in there as they do on your blog!
ps: I’ve linked you off my blog already. Keep up the good work.
Well this is a few weeks old now, but it turns out Sam Mason got in touch with us about this.
Goodbye To The 75.
As First Group have now proposed changes to the 75 bus route in Patchway, people who live within Rodway Road, Durban Road & Bradley Road will be without a service and young children and old age pensioners will have to walk further to a bus stop. – Paid from local Council Tax Funds. The reason for this say First Group, is that the roads are too narrow for buses to run safely and cites incidents of damage involving parked cars. Well good on you First Group, seeing as Patchway Town Council and South Gloucestershire Council will not force those selfish bastards to use their garages or back lanes that they have behind their houses.
Stewart Guy.
why is my last comment awaiting moderation ?? This gives rise to the trhought that maybe BB might not be on the level??
The automatic spambot decided your comment was spam. Why I know not. It does it occasionally …
WordPress has a maddening taste for swallowing comments, especially those with links.
Blast just lost another reply .[ guess what it had links ]
Came across this gem from Helen Holland blowing her own trumpet about local transport –
What a barefaced cheek! I fell over laughing at the egotistical, brazen bollockiness of it all.
I’ve just discovered this blog – and was sad to learn from it that Barnwell Hall has been demolished. I was an apprentice living there in 1969.
I have an 8mm film of Concorde 002 first flight including a subsequent presentation to Brian Trubshawe at the hall.
Open Letter To Gordon Brown.
On 7. June 2007, Gordon Brown promised to launch a drive to train thousands of unemployed workers for jobs currently being filled by immigrants flocking to Britain. ‘It is time to train British workers for the British jobs that will be available over the coming few years and to make sure that people who are inactive and unemployed are able to get the new jobs on offer in our country,’ he told the GMB union.
Now, he wonders why 2,500+ workers and unemployed are taking part in protesting at the use of foreign labour. The protests started at the oil refinery in Lindsey, Lincolnshire. Because an Italian company that has been subcontracted to work on the site will be using Italian and Portuguese employees. While Trade Unions and others maintain that the jobs ought to go to British workers. The protests have spread across Great Britain, just like the recent snow and at the moment. Across Britain at Lindsey, Sellafield, Longannet, Grangemouth, Warrington, Selby, Thurrock, Milford Haven, Didcot, Heysham & Staythorpe. But it will not stop there. Next will be the Total garages.
Total insists it is not discriminating against British workers and states it is operating under UK & EU Laws, that it sub-contracted ‘on a non-discriminatory basis’ and that wage rates were the same. While the European Union said it had ‘sympathy’ with workers. But ‘the internal market is actually the best platform to maintain a high level of employment.’ While the Government has said it might challenge EU law to stop cheap foreign labour ‘undercutting’ British workers.
Take a look at the number of redundancy figures so far in 2009 – less than ½ a month old:-
Woolworths:- 27,000.
Barclays:- 2,500.
Wedgewood:- 370.
Zavvi:- 353.
Land of Leather. (at risk):- 850.
McLeish Brothers:- 175.
Economist group:- 13.
Financial Times:- 80.
JCB:- 684.
Newcastle production:- 420.
deVries:- 130.
Welcome Finance:- 1,000.
Wincanton:- 1,000.
TOTAL:- 34,575.
The economic downturn continues to bite. 2009 could see 600,000 workers facing redundancy, while others have their pay frozen. However, if this is the figure for just the first 2 weeks of January and continues at this rate there could well be 800,000 made unemployed this year.
Voters think that Gordon Brown’s high-profile battle to turn around the economy is doomed. Even Labour supporters are doubtful. Only 48% of people who voted for the party in 2005 believe that the government’s measures will work. While overall Conservative support is up six points since last month’s Guardian/ICM survey. At 44% it is only one point below its 25-year ICM high. Labour is on 32%. The result is that public confidence in Labour’s economic team has dropped by 11% since November.
‘British jobs for British workers’. Your words Gordon Brown.
Stewart Guy.
Charlie Bolton seems to have made a realisation finally:
Re Prince Street Bridge – read the blogger sometimes and its always very amusing. I do think however that you are sometimes a bit harsh on the duel dynamos of the city council Kate Hartas and Simon (carol) Caplan. It can’t be easy for them at school reunions explaining their career choice and Simon in particular is always very enthusiastic about his defence of City matters. However I’m not in the business of doing their PR for them and am myself a fierce critic of the tedious pace of action around these parts, by many sectors of the council. However I must protest at your haranguing over the semi pedestrianisation of Prince Street Bridge. I use this bridge most days, traversing it by car, bike and on foot and navigating under it by boat. It is primarily a fine victorian relic and something of which we should be proud in our midst, however it is rubbish at conveying a modern mix of people and vehicls and its much better now. It would, though, have been much better to have closed it to cars completely and made them go via Redcliffe Bridge which was actually designed for them while Prince Street Bridge was made for horse and carts.
We have far too many cars in this city and anything which makes life miserable and difficult for the motorist has to ultimately be a good thing. It might be that it becomes so untnable to drive that more people catch the ferry around town – not that I’m biased…
Rob Salvidge
PS when I said the Bristol Blogger as always very amusing, what I meant was “always more amusing than the Evening Post”!!
Just a quick post so everyone is aware of the Extraordinary Full Council Meeting at 2pm on Tuesday 10th February 2009.
Councillor Richard Eddy to move the following Motion:
“Council has no confidence in this Labour Administration and, as a consequence, resolves to remove the Leader of Council, Cllr Helen Holland, from Office under Article 7.03(d)”
(Article 7.03 (d) of the Constitution states “The Leader of the Council will be a councillor elected to the position of leader. The Leader of the Council will hold office until they are removed from office by resolution of the Full Council.”)
Just seen this find it interesting no statements shown? I am aware of a few that wished to make their feelings known and sent statements? Interesting
Nothing will come of it. It’s a bit of posturing by the Tories to try to make political capital at the expense of the Lib-Dems who will of course abstain so causing the vote to be lost. The Tories will then try to blame them for the school closures and other unpopular measures promoted by Labour who took control of the council from the Lib-Dems with Tory support in 2007.
The Lib-Dems would be foolish to take control of the council in the run-up to elections in June (the first for 2 years) since they would then be perceived as the Party running Bristol and blamed for those same unpopular measures. Their position is that they will let the people of Bristol decide in June who should run the council rather than allow it to be at the whim of the Tories, which seems reasonable to me.
Let them eat cake – a succinct analysis, and probably the way things will pan out.
However, the sooner this city is managed more efficiently – the better, to my mind. The primary school closure plans, degradation of our environment and conservation areas (e.g. Snuff Mills, Eastville Park and the Southern Green Belt), ridiculous waste management concepts and squandering of Cycle City money is completely unacceptable in this era of Bristol’s development.
Bristol is a fantastic place to live in and can be even better in the right hands. Let’s hope that when things change, they REALLY change for the better 🙂
Let them eat cake you’re dead right. No matter how much the council may melt down, it will arise, phoenix like from the ashes, and continue its usual teeth achingly tedious and belief beggaring business. Council officials will carry on eating cake as usual and nods and winks will continue to be accompanied by funny handshakes. Politicians and their lackies suck.
MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE – Full Council Meeting, 10th Feb 2009
The inevitable happened:
– LibDems will wait until the June election in the likelihood of being voted in by the electorate as they are now the majority party in Bristol.
– Conservatives got severely reprimanded by LibDem and Labour for initiating the motion of no confidence so close to the June election, as an unnecessary use of council time and public money (as reflected in the four public statements). But, who can blame them?
– Conservatives attack Labour for their primary school closures, and try to force Libdems to take control of the administration ahead of the forthcoming elections.
– Helen Holland defended her position as leader with a rise in educational performance (but let’s not forget the measures keep changing), increased partnership working and administrative openness (including access to information).
– Charlie Bolton (Green Party) supported the motion of no confidence mainly on the basis of his objection to the privatisation of health care.
– the debate centred on policy differences between the three main parties (though it’s increasingly looking like two – Lab and LibDem) when I was expecting a discussion on any evidence for the basis for ‘no confidence’ or any substantive failings in the delivery of services. However, some fun was had by two councillors (Con-Peter Abraham and Lab-Peter Hammond) who had a lengthy disagreement about whether a senior officer visited Stockwood school about its closure.
A thought occurred to me. If Bristol is truly a green city, how come it only has ONE green councillor?
Only one Green councillor ?? You’d better ask the electorate, as that’s down to them.
In response to your “A thought occurred to me. If Bristol is truly a green city, how come it only has ONE green councillor?”…..why are you not aware of the very long environmental track record of the Lib Dems, so recently copied by David Cameron? It is the Lib Dems who are the green party in the City, plus Cllr Charles Bolton, Green Party.
“It is the Lib Dems who are the green party in the City” – MP
So what is the Lib-Dem position on the expansion of Bristol Airport?
There appears to be some confusion here!
One heres of this redtape when it suits council,However,one is also remindful of last years council budget ,when the Conservative cllr for horfield asked for £5.000 funding for Manor Farm boys Club .It was granted without a mermer.Why was this ??
Dear Bristol Blogger,
My son is one of the nearly 1 in 10 Bristol children applying for a reception place at primary school this year who were refused a place at all 3 local schools.
This means we are now in limbo, waiting for some miracle to happen. The council have announced that the places available are “too far to expect anyone to realistically travel” and are suggesting mini-buses to bus them to outlying areas of Bristol to the empty primary schools there.
I have 3 children, 3 and half, 18 months and 4 months. I live 500 meters from 2 schools, yet my poor lad will be given a place so far away he will have to spend half the day on the bus. He is about 2 and a half foot tall. My wife will either have to struggle across the city four times a day with my other 2 children, or give up our infant into the hands of Bristol City Council’s minibus.
He will not be able to have friends over as they will be miles away, he will be knackered, and the schools being mentioned are among the worst performing in the city. He should not hav eto learn the nightmare of a daily commute as such a young age.
Councillor Derek Pickup cancelled the plan for a new primary school that would have been at the top of his road. And for what? So that an enormous housing development could be built on the old Brunel College site. And the land already bought by the council for the new school? To be used as spill-over parking for the cricket ground on match days.
The council has tried to fob us off with unrealistic expansion plans for existing schools that nobody wants – even when it has been shown that the plans are more expensive than new schools.
Jesus wept. This council is run by people who put cricket and property development ahead of education – no wonder we perform so badly at national level for education.
This is not just a problem in my area – all central areas are heavily over-subscribed and the only places with spare capacity are at the very periphery of the city.
Bussing kids to empty schools is not the answer – and the current shower in charge have done absolutely nothing to avoid this. No-one can say that this was a surprise as they have been arguing their case since 2007 and have not come up with a single reason why they have not actually built any new primary schools. All they have done is scrapped existing funded plans to build new ones and talk about closing schools.
Meanwhile the population of Bristol continues to grow with new housing developments agreed by their planners on a daily basis. When will they start spending some of the money they are raising on new services for the cities children?
I am so angry with the council’s failure to manage education, my little boy has no idea what is in store for him, and I don’t have the heart to tell him.
Your right Martyn, the sooner this city is managed more efficiently – the better. (10 Feb) Don’t look to Richard Eddy though (better known as Captin Underpants!!) The last thing I heard was that he was discovered in his underpants in a cupboard in the Council House by a cleaning lady having spent the night there! Yours disgusted
Hey, don’t be so hard on the guy. Any of us can fall on hard times after all. Maybe his credit is crunched!
word has it that Torben Lee lately of the Evening Post will be the new Lib Dem research assistant at the Counts Louse.
watch this space…
back in the 1980s we had riots in Bristol , Liverpool , & all over the country because the People did not agree with what was going on in their local districts the Councils should take notice with what the people want and not what council would like to do ie road structuring in Bristol & surrounding areas
I wonder if you can help me, I have been trying(without success) to find a list of the EU and local candidates for Bristol, I have been through quite a few different sites but cannot get any satisfaction, perhaps their all hiding seeing that the present climate is anti politics!!
Got a feeling that I need to do something drastic this time and see if there is anybody not in the top three parties that I can trust enough to vote for.
This lot in our local government are a bunch of liars whose noses are so far in the trough they could get a job in Westminster as advisors.
I spent a couple of years fighting them over the prefab project(another story) so I got to know them well, especially as the same ones just seem to change chairs and positions but stay there like bloody old outdated fossils.
Sorry, waffled a bit. The prefab project is still going on, I had to leave mine three years ago and the site still has not been re-developed, so much for the jobsworths haste to chuck us out.
The scandal is that like the new development at Elm Grove/Filton Avenue, apparently the rented properties on the pre-fab sites are being handed over to housing associations, so I’ve been told.
Look for council tax rises in a couple of years, without rents they will have to find their dosh from somewhere.
Hi China Doll, can’t give you a list of your candidates for the local elections as I don’t know your ward. The European Election is fought on a PR basis throughout the whole region (our region also includes Gibraltar), so it’s a matter of voting for the party. The list of party candidates and parties for the EU south west region is here:
Hope this is of some help.
CD, you’ll find all the detail you need on James Barlow’s site – http://www.jamesbarlow.co.uk/southwest-region-%E2%80%93-candidates-european-parliament
Which reminds me. The Bristol Blogger promised us his predictions for the elections a few weeks ago. There’s still time.
I will do the complicated predictions at some point but in a nutshell:
Lib Dems won’t get a majority.
Greens will make no gains.
Business as usual will resume 5 June.
So what constitutes a majority out of 70 seats – 35 or 36? How does the Lord Mayor’s casting vote fit into that?
If the Lib Dems had 35 seats and the mayor they’d effectively lose a vote 35 – 34.
If they didn’t have the mayor they’d effectively win 35 – 34.
But tradition dictates the largest party has the mayor …
Caught Being Greedy.
Gerry Adams Douglas Alexander Michael Ancram James Arbuthnot Hilary Armstrong Vera Baird
Ed Balls & Yvette Cooper Greg Barker Margaret Beckett Liz Blackman Tony Blair Hazel Blears
Crispin Blunt Ben Bradshaw Kevin Brennan Gordon Brown Chris Bryant Andy Burnham
Stephen Byers Vince Cable David Cameron Menzies Campbell Ronnie Campbell David Chaytor
James Clappison Kenneth Clarke Nick Clegg David Clelland Geoffrey Clifton-Brown Harry Cohen
Stephen Crabb Tam Dalyell Alistair Darling David Davis Pat Doherty Alan Duncan Maria Eagle
Caroline Flint Barbara Follett Andrew George Michelle Gildernew Cheryl Gillan Julia Goldsworthy
Michael Gove Chris Grayling John Gummer Mike Hall Fabian Hamilton Nick Harvey
Alan Haselhurst David Heathcoat-Amory Nick Herbert Douglas Hogg Geoff Hoon Phil Hope
Kelvin Hopkins Chris Huhne Stewart Jackson Sir Gerald Kaufman Alan & Ann Keen Fraser Kemp
Julie Kirkbribe & Andrew Mackay Greg Knight Andrew Lansley Oliver Letwin Julian Lewis
David Maclean Lord Mandelson Shahid Malik Bob Marshall-Andrews John Maples Michael Martin Francis Maude Martin McGuinness David Miliband Austin Mitchell Margaret Moran Elliot Morley Conor Murphy Paul Murphy Lembit Opik George Osborne John Prescott Alan Reid
Angus Robertson Peter & Iris Robinson Richard Younger-Ross David Ruffley Joan Ryan
Alex Salmond Clare Short Michael Spicer Anthony Sheen Jack Straw Don Touhig Kitty Ussher Keith Vaz Theresa Villiers Tom Watson & Iain Wright Steve Webb Shaun Woodward David Willetts
Sir Nicholas & Ann Winterton Phil Woolas Derek Wyatt
Before you vote next month, think on the names above, as these are the MP’s, from the Cabinet to backbenchers of all parties, who have exploited the system to subsidise their lifestyles at the taxpayers expense. Even if some intend to repay the money, The Metropolitan Police and Crown Prosecution Service should carry out a criminal inquiry into the misuse, while Gordon Brown should now resign and let the people have their say over this latest greed.
Stewart Guy.
Don’t forget UKIP’S Ashley Mote (now with the Fascists), David Bannerman, Graham Booth Tervor Coleman ect…
Would be a shame if the most corrupt party in the UK (UKIP) benefit in the Euros!
Greens up to 11% nationally according to a ComRes Opinion Poll…
CON 28%: LAB 20%: LD 14%: UKIP 15%: GRN 11%: BNP 4%.
Yeah… I think, in the light of the Diberal Lumpypratts new take on the cycle track, I’m going to have to vote for that wyrd party that was inspired by an article in Playboy, and, who are represented in Easton by some commie woman… well there you go… I’m voting for a commie in the local erection!
The Evening Cancer stopped reporting real news from Bristol some time ago, and now it’s not even going to be printed in the city.
Good luck trying to regenerate that into flats – although the directors’ floor with its rooftop garden might make nice penthouse!
Check this out
Any chance of a link on your Blogroll?
Will do.
Noted and quoted, “I moved out of Easton, I didn’t want my children growing up there”
The Bristol Blogger
Fucking hypocrite
Lovely you could move, where did you go??
Any comments
Wasn’t that a conversation about the dog?
Shame on you fido……outside!
Nothing like shitting on your on doorstep.
WTF are Bristol Labour up to with this organisation?
Bristol Gaza Link Launch event
People from across the city took part in large numbers in protests, vigils, demonstrations, meetings and occupations to show their support for the people of Gaza during Israel’s attacks in December & January. Thousands of pounds were collected to be sent as aid to Gaza. Two drivers went from Bristol to join the 100 vehicle Viva Palestina! convoy which drove to Gaza with aid collected in Britain. On their return they gave eyewitness reports of conditions in Gaza.
Out of this grew the idea of building links between Bristol & Gaza City. Bristol Gaza Link aims to build humanitarian, cultural, educational and social links between groups and organisations in Bristol and similar groups and organisations in Gaza City.
We have built wide support for Bristol Gaza Link, with community groups, schools, trades union branches, faith groups and many individuals involved. Already one school and a community radio station have begun to make links with Gaza City.
Come to the meeting to hear about the plans for Bristol Gaza Link and join with us in building links between Bristol and Gaza City.
Monday 28 September 6:00pm – 8.30pm
The Council House, College Green, BS1 5TR
Speakers: Mr. Ibrahim Beshtawi from Palestinian General Delegation to the UK + local speakers
Email: bristolgazalink@googlemail.com
Who is conducting the investigation? ,
And it is certainly true that no Central Bank in recorded history has ever failed. ,
Just heard that BCC and St Pauls Unltd have a tender out, 120k for two pieces of public art in Stokes Croft (via S106 cash from the Audi Garage), one for the space at the junction of City Road and Stokes Croft, the other for Turbo Island. Interestingly it would seem that the person who owns the Turbo Island site has not been asked permission for said public art on their land. Wonder how this one will play out. Any insider info BB?
Do you remember earlier on this year about Simon Caplan, Ashy McKay et al. Well Ashy has turned up at Stoke on Trent in charge of Economic Development making several people redundant ( what a great Christmas present for them) and unecessary sweeping changes without rhyme or reason. The people from the ‘Potteries’ have found out that she was fired from Bristol Council but why is the burning question?? Can the Bristol Bloggers anonymously help in giving some background to this person?
I was just wondering, when I kill you and your c unt family, you spineless, shit-eatimg little paedophile, should I piss into your face while you are dying or after you are dead? Answer on a postcard you spineless piece of shit.
Great Blog good to see that some people still take an interest in what is going on around them rather than burying their heads in the sand.
I work for a website called Activ Bristol and we are currently looking for people to contribute to the website by writing interesting and useful articles about Bristol.
If anyone is interested then please feel free to contact me for more details.
Could you link my blog on your Blogroll BB?
Keep up the good work 🙂
(Non)Criminal Chalkist
Merry Christmas.
BB- I miss the search function on your blog as it is very usefull in finding previous information. Any chance you could reinstate it?